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Suez recent comments:

  • برج بلير مع تحيات abo hassan, ashraf abo hassan (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    برج بلير مع تحياتabo hassan
  • منزل االحاج خضارى خليفة , مقدم عربى (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
  • بيت عم عبده, عصام احمد مصطفى (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    huoes m/ essam ahmed mossdafa
  • old kornish, محمود كمال (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    السقالة 1
  • منزل احمد محمد خليل, KHALED (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    NICE ..
  • Suez Steel Complex, mahmoud (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    Dear Mr. Human Resource Manager I have the honor to present my request to you for joining your distinguished team work. Regarding the management accountant job. I wish to be a member of the active team you have, Thank you for your time. Urs sincerely, Mahmoud 0108121913
  • صيدلية د.اميرة محمود يس, mahmoud (guest) wrote 15 years ago:
    اى حاجة عندنا
  • Flat: Wael Diab, waeldiab2008 wrote 15 years ago:
    V Good Place
  • مسرح اسماعيل ياسين, mayerwar (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • مدينه النور اجمل اماكن السويس ايو علاء0121457077, شقة م عبد الرحمن (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    شقة م عبد الرحمن
  • مساكن العاملين بالشركة العامة للبترول &&&مع تحياتى شريف انور, الحسينى على محمد (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    منزل الحسينى على محمد
  • مساكن 24 أكتوبر, ahmed hassan (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    I live there.. I love this place
  • CIB, حودة (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • مسجد حمزة بن عبد المطلب, alaa eldeen (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    بالفعل مسجد رائع لكن الله ياخذ الى بيخربوا فيه من رجب وعبد العزيز وكمال بربرى مدير المديريه حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل فيهم يارب لاتصلح عمل هؤلاء المفسدين
  • Suez Steel Complex, essam (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    Suez _ALamal_ELmarwa Buildings B11_F1 E_MAIL Phone 062 / 3678543 Mob 010 / 5319723 Essam Abd EL- Hameed EL-Shazley Objective Isearch about good gob that conform with my ability in a respected company in which I will be able to realization my achievement Qualification 1995 AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY Cairo_ Egypt BSC OF COMMERCE Training I have a course from MINISTERS BOURD in computer DOS from 2/9/1997 to 13/9/1997 Windows 2000 from 16/9/1997 to 30/9/1997 Excel from 15/11/1997 to 27/11/1997 Word from 1/12/1997 to 15/12/1997 Work Experience * Jan 1998 _ 1999 Suez factory for steel Industry adabia _ Suez Accountant * * Feb. 1999 _ jun 2000 Mustafa nasar for golden products nasr city _ Cairo accountant * jan 2000 _ now Ceramica CLEOPATRA GROUP _ ELDORADO Sokhna _ Suez storages observer (STORAGES OBSERVING DEPARTMENT) Special skills work under strength – Diplomatic Organized – Cooperative. Language writing & spoken English & Arabic is the mother tongue. Goodcommand Personal data Dat of birth : 30/6/1972 Place of birth : Suez Nationality : Egyptian Religion : Moslem Marital status : Single Military status : Completed Phone : 062 / 3678543 Mob : 010 / 5319723
  • Suez Cemetery, Yasser (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    اللهم إرحم والدتي و أمهات المسلمين يا رحمن يا رحيم
  • مساكن 24 أكتوبر, einoo (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    مساء الخير
  • مبني ضرائب, ASALEA_SWEET (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    ضرايب ابو محمد محسن
  • اول طريق اسماعيليه الصحراوي, ahemdan (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
  • شقة إبراهيم عيد, asaooos (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    فرحان اوى يا نجم ( شقة ابراهيم عيد ) يعنى الريس كان ساكن هنا قبل كدة عالعموم ابقى افتكر ان السويس اوياك